Woodside, California
I am appealing for help from anybody who is going to be flying from the UK to San Francisco between now and May 15 (or, at a push, May 20).
If at all possible, I would like to accept an offer of sponsorship fromĀ Mornflake to provide me with 200 sachets of organic oatmeal (Oats2Go), but they can only ship within the UK.
I had tried to get this deal in place before my mother flew out to help me with final preparations, but we missed that deadline due to the relevant Mornflake staff being away at the time. So now I have a generous offer from them, but the porridge is there and I am here and I need to figure out how to get us both in the same place!
If it doesn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world. They do have organic oatmeal here, but I have not so far managed to find an alternative that is:
– organic
– comes in sachets
– has no added sugar or other additives
– is “instant”, i.e. will cook sufficiently just by adding hot water, without the need to cook in a pan for several minutes.
So if you, or anybody you know, is planning to fly from the UK to San Francisco, please let me know, and I will arrange for the sachets of oatmeal to be delivered to your address in the UK.