I’m in that awkward inbetweeny stage of the voyage. I haven’t yet got into my ocean-philosophy frame of mind – I’m still too busy getting back into the ocean way of life. At the moment I am still at that stage where it’s like moving into a new house – I can’t quite remember where I put things or how I used to do things. But this might not make for very exciting blogging . . .

About the most exciting thing that happened today was rowing through an extensive area of small buoys. I suppose they must have been marking some kind of fishing nets. I managed to get a few of them wrapped around the rudder, and had to pop my head out of the aft hatch to liberate it.

Other than that: rowing was tough this morning, with choppy seas coming at me from the wrong direction. Middle of the day was dead calm. Latter part of the day was a roaring tailwind. I even saw the GPS speedo hit 5 knots at one point. Woohoo!

For now I can tell you roughly where I am. I am paralleling the coast of Western Australia until I reach Geraldton, at which point I try to make a mad dash across the Leeuwin Current before it gets hold of me and sweeps me south. My GPS is telling me that I am 36.7 nautical miles NW of Wanneroo.

Body grumbling at me. It reckons it’s getting too old for this kind of malarkey (43). I reckon it will adapt to anything once it realises we’re in this for the long haul.

It’s amazing just what the human body (and mind) can adapt to when it has no choice….

Other Stuff:

Apparently my blog didn’t make it online last night. Most odd. I emailed it to Mum, using exactly the same laptop and satphone as we used to test it on dry land. It has been working consistently – until I actually need it. Typical!

Finished Book  Number 1 of the trip: Unbroken, by Laura Hillebrand. Very good indeed. True story of a guy who survives over 40 days in a liferaft only to be taken POW by the Japanese – which makes the liferaft look like a luxury cruise. Very well written, an epic tale.

Sponsored Miles:

The second day so far: Pam Rodwell, Barry Munyard, Louis Girard, Steven Partridge, Anne Dare, Doug (and Larry) Grandt for Pauline, Daniel Zetah, Anthony Peters, Don Kuroyama, Rosalyn Page, Paul O’Hare, Rachel (for San Francisco Green Film Festival), Susan Bartlett, Chris Lynch, Curtis Zingg, Shannon Fogg, Tom Hockman and James Borleis.

Photo: blisters




  • Roz, First, “Uneventful” is good, But in a way, wrong too… Look at all the “Events” that have gotten you to this point… And, Even if this “malarkey” is getting to be too much for the 43 year old bod, I have always said (My high school guy friends, way back when, thought I was very strange – Chuckle), “Women are at their best once they reach 40. They know who they are, what they want, where they are going, where they have been, what they have accomplished, and the like… They are comfortable with what they have accomplished – and what they haven’t… Their strength and confidence is so amazing and attractive.” So Roz, at 43, You are just three years old in this amazing life that is just starting for you… You now see the Big Picture – Past, Present & Future, and you are making yourself an important part of that Big Picture…

      • Hey Pippa:

        I have to say your name has made me smile since the first time I saw it here recently… And that means A LOT right now as I prepare for my annual, weekly, “Nuisance Routine” of weekly scalp surgeries for my rare form of skin cancer… I am operated on weekly to monthly anyway, but the “Nuisance” of cutting my hair off, seeing the scarred “History” of hundreds of surgeries upon my dome, and having weekly surgeries to add to its “History”, is tough – even though I have done this for 31 years now… So the “Pippa” smiles help a lot – Thank You! Fortunately I have lots of hair, That grows quickly – so this will soon all be hidden for another year… But touching on what you said, feeling the way we do about “40-somethings” – and other things we’ve all discussed here, I guess the old saying is correct, “Birds of a feather, Flock together!” And the vast majority of this flock, Roz’ Flock, sure seem to feel the same way about things… Don’t ever change the name – Pippa is already very important to me…

        • P.S. Pippa:

          BTW, The “I’m loving you Richard!” I’m feeling it Pippa!!! Long comatose memory story behind that… Maybe we all should meet somewhere for some big love-fest, (Chuckle) No, NOT ORGY, LOVE, upon Roz’ safe landing… 40-Somethings and Older (I’m 53) Only!!!

          • *chuckle*
            (I forget that my name is a rude word in some parts of the world!)

            Dearest Richard, if Roz can inspire our generation to be more active & proactive, then that’s a good thing. Stay positive my friend.

          • “Morning Chuckle Back Dearest Pippa”

            Lots of names have other meanings in other parts of the world… I have a friend here in The States who always wants to go to jewelry auctions with me in London… The fear of introducing him to friends and associates at Sotheby’s, Christie’s and the like ALWAYS stops me… I’ve never told Randy Mann why!

  • Thank you so much for blogging your daily adventures. I really enjoy reading your daily details! What you are doing is awesome. I hope you get all the attention you (and the cause, of course) deserves! Hope your blisters heal soon.

  • Ooooh, nice hands, Roz. I’m posting a photo of the glove from your last Pacific leg that I won in the drawing last summer so that your new followers can appreciate how very tough you are and what your hands endure. This hangs on the wall in my office by the way. It’s a reminder of the amazing things that unswerving diligence can lead you to accomplish.

  • I dedicated today’s solo bike ride to you… Ride for Roz… I hardly ever go out riding in sub 60°F weather, but I was inspired by you… I fought the chill and the winds and hopefully I’m a little bit stronger for it. Go Roz Go.

  • Hi Roz,
    Thanks so much for the photo. I passed it along to the folks who sent you some of our gear. Bon voyage. I’ll be checking on your progress. Row safely! Jim

  • A good reminder for us all that getting started with a new project or adventure isn’t always easy but soon enough you’ll get into your groove. May that time come quickly for you! (I now feel compelled to listen to Madonna and dream up a new adventure!)

  • Safe journeys, Roz. The students in Cottage Lane will be checking into your blog. Best of luck.


  • I just read about your quest for the first time a few minutes ago and I had to learn more. All I can say is wow and good luck.

  • Roz, tail winds are good … in your face, but I hope they are a bit cooling. Any idea what the temperature and humidity are?

    I enjoyed reading your blog post http://bit.ly/T-3FairWInds but did not comment on it yet. Hoping for kindness from Great Boreas (exalted ruler of the North Wind), Great Zephyrus (exalted ruler of the West Wind, Great Eurus (exalted ruler of the East Wind) and Great Notus (exalted ruler of the South Wind) with haiku:

    tailwinds and dead calm
    we want to appeased the gods
    smooth rowing sedna

    Row with gusto, Roz!

  • Roz…SO excited that all is “uneventful”…when this row is finished you are invited back for a grand meal at FISH in Sausalito!!! Safe travels and productive rowing!

  • From the backwards, land-locked state of Kentucky I wish you all the luck. I most recently became aware of your exploits via your “Transoceanic Mid-life Crisis” article and decided your book was essential reading. I found it fascinating, fun and inspirational. I wish you luck on your current voyage, sponsored a couple miles and hope against hope that you have another book in you. Safe and happy rowing Roz!

  • ahha…was wondering where “day 1” blog was…was checking every 2 or 3 hours but it was out there yet…looks like the electronic gods are starting to cooperate now with blog 1, 2 now posted…

    I am sure that all the training in the world doesn’t “prepare” you/your bod/your hands/ your bottom for the “actual”… the shakedown of the bod and mind … how soon before callouses top and bottom, mind start settling in? know that many in our little part of the NW (US) are wishing godspeed, and gentle tailwinds…be safe, enjoy…

  • Well first off, OUCH!

    I recently listened to the Unbroken audiobook and it actually made me think of you – for the ocean adventure of course, but also for the other thing that book left me with: a new appreciation for what we human beings are truly capable of accomplishing when put to the test.

    Happy Rowing, Roz.

    • Hey Katie: Laura Hillenbrand, an old friend, wrote Seabiscuit and then Unbroken, On a desk that I helped her get many years ago… Writing these books was as physically difficult for Laura as it is for Roz to row the world… I have a feeling you are right… This story written by an amazing woman will make Roz, another amazing woman, feel a special connection to the central character, the writer, the times – then and now, the seas they share, and therefore the Big Picture… We CAN do amazing things, and it is worth the effort to do so…

  • Roz, you are a marvel., like a lot of others I envy your positive attitude. I know you are getting older & one day you might want to slow down, so when that time comes join me on my yacht & we will live aboard & sail the world. Maybe do a bit of filming on the world oceans & islands. So long as you promise not to get sea sick on me.When you find yourself having a argument with the sea, it’s time to call me. Best wishes on your adventure, when you find what you’re looking for, I’ll be here. love Robbie

  • Roz,

    Very inspiring to see. Wondering if you ever think on what others can be doing to help the environment while you’re out there on the waves? Sometimes we all feel so helpless in the face of plastic bags, oil spills, nuclear accidents to name a few.

  • Here you go again one course has you heading to Bombay while the other looks far more piratical OH well do tour best and be careful. Speaking of pirates- that bloody Pay-pal robbed me for 20 squids while I was trying for one mile that’s alright,as I wanted to give more as the time went by.


  • Hey All:

    I am new cyber-friend to Roz, and this Blog, since her last voyage… So forgive what I guess is a concerned but stupid question, I guess… Roz’ first two blogs from this voyage came in “Like Clockwork”… As she has mentioned in earlier Blogs, If something happens to her SatPhone or whatever other Tech is necessary for her to post a Blog from sea, do “We” – her friends and cyber-friends – get some message from someone that she is OK – just dealing with Blog/Tech problems? A little worried even though I am only a cyber-friend…

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