Or shouldn’t I ask? Maybe on your way home, maybe still partying? Me, I was rowing…
I’d woken up at 4am thinking about the 5-hour ergo scheduled for today. It had been looming over me all week, my eyes drawn irresitibly to Sunday’s entry in my training programme.
This morning I decided to let it loom no more. Deciding that the anticipation is usually worse than just getting on and doing it, I communed with my pillow for a final blissful moment, then flung back the covers and hopped out of bed.
By 9am I’d rowed over 42km, watched the sun rise, and listened to all four new CD’s myWOMAD friend Stevie had burned for me.
Virtuous, me? It’s not often said, but maybe this morning, if you’d looked in the direction of Leeds shortly before dawn, you might have seen a glow in the sky – the reflected glow of my halo shining.