Time to put Britain and its people first
The Guardian reports that national pride is divided along party lines. “Labour and the Green party are much more popular among people who say they have little or no pride in their country. Meanwhile, the Tories are popular among people who describe themselves as patriotic.” The article does not specify the position of Lib Dems, so I will fill that void with my own view.
National pride seems to have fallen out of fashion, possibly tainted by association with far right groups. This is not what pride should mean.
Pride can be an ambiguous word. I’m not talking about arrogance, nationalism, racism, xenophobia, isolationism or over-pumped up patriotism.
What I mean by pride is a sense of loyalty and affection for our own country and our compatriots, a desire to see us do well but not at the expense of other countries, and the ability to hold our heads up high in the knowledge that we are responsible international citizens.
Without pride, in fact, why care about our country at all?
If we’re not proud of our country, then why would we endeavour to make it a more prosperous country for future generations (prosperity in the broadest, most inclusive sense of the word – not just economic prosperity)?
If we’re not proud of our country, why would we work to protect our countryside, our historic buildings, and our town centres?
If we’re not proud of our country, why would we bother to preserve our culture, arts, public services and institutions?
Britain is far from perfect. Right now, many of us feel Britain is broken, lost, and has lost its sense of direction. But this is no reason to give up on Britain.
We can and must get ourselves out of this trough of despondency and back to a place where British institutions function as they should, where everybody has a sense of belonging and self-worth, and we have a long-term vision of where we are heading as a country – together.
And this vision needs to transcend party politics. It needs to survive transitions of government. Winston Churchill apparently listed his priorities as: First – country, second – constituency, third – party.
He was also one of the first to espouse a “United States of Europe.” Pride in your own country doesn’t have to be a barrier to international cooperation.
Right now, in the thick of a General Election campaign, it often seems like many politicians are more interested in scoring points off each other than in serving the needs of the people and country, and those needs are many. Sir Ed Davey shows notable political restraint and empathy with people, while emphasising the Lib Dem concern for our health and care services.
It’s high time for a new, kinder, more collaborative politics, that moves beyond party political prejudice, and puts Britain and our people first.
Lib Dem Manifesto
Our manifesto was launched on Monday, and I couldn’t be more proud. Our flagship NHS policy is front and centre. Check it out online here.
Campaign Notes
To keep up to date with me and my campaign, please follow me on Facebook. I’m also now regularly posting videos on Instagram, with information on the logistics of voting (especially helpful for first-time voters), Lib Dem pledges, and my own personal views on current affairs.
We’re always keen to welcome more campaigners to our team to help with deliveries and/or doorknocking. Please consider lending us an hour or two a month. Email my wonderful Campaign Organiser, Poppy Fair, for more details.
We are also looking for financial support. Every pound matters – even the price of a weekly latte would help. If you’re ready for positive change in the South Cotswolds, please put your money where your mouth is by hitting Reply to this email, and I’ll let you know how. Thank you! 🙏
Quote of the Week
“Your pride for your country should not come after your country becomes great; your country becomes great because of your pride in it.”
― Idowu Koyenikan
Have a great week!
Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash