Pushing for the finish

Two weeks today, the UK heads to the polls. With especial apologies to those who have signed up to my newsletter in the last few days, I’m hitting the pause button on these updates until after the General Election.

Instead, you can keep up to date with me on Facebook. I’m also now regularly posting videos and photos on Instagram.

And you can catch up with my full newsletter archive on my website.

It’s the final push for the line so I’m going to be out knocking on doors and meeting residents every moment of the day (or at least, the moments when the football isn’t on – interrupting a match would NOT be the way to win friends, influence people, and win votes!).

Will normal service be resumed after the General Election? Who knows? I hope to be settling into an exciting new normal – as the first MP for the new South Cotswolds constituency!

Lib Dem Manifesto

I’m very proud of our manifesto, with its cornerstone pledges on the NHS, cost of living, the environment, food and farming. Check it out online here.

Quote of the Week

“They should rule who are able to rule best.”
— Aristotle

Wishing you all best – and I’ll see you on the other side!

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