Please note! This will be the last e-mail alert you’ll receive to notify you of updates to my weblog. My site will shortly be re-launched to focus on my preparations for the Atlantic Rowing Race 2005, and I’ll be updating the site much most days, as and when things happen.

Rather than bombard you with e-mail alerts, I’ll leave it to you to check out the site on a regular basis. You can be confident that you’ll always find something new there – and hopefully something interesting!

There will be news on my physical preparation for the 3000 mile row, as well as updates on publicity events, sponsorship, and the challenge of getting the Solo fully kitted out for my voyage and little asides into other aspects of the life of Roz.

I do hope you’ll continue to follow my news via the redesigned site, which should go live around 15th December.

I’ll be setting out from the Canaries in late November next year, so I’ve got a busy 12 months ahead of me. I’m short on time, short on funds, short on height, but long on determination!

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