Hood River, Oregon

I have added some new links to the right hand side of my website – to my favourite books. It was a surprisingly easy shortlist to produce. These are not necessarily the books I’ve most enjoyed, as parts of them make for uncomfortably thought-provoking reading, but they are certainly the books that have had the most formative influence on my personal philosophy.

For lighter relief, I also read a lot of biographies and autobiographies, especially about inspiring people doing adventurous things.

There used to be a time when I read a lot of fiction, back in my office-worker days when I liked to escape into a good novel. Now I’m much more fascinated by real lives than fictional ones, more interested in concepts and ideas than in being entertained.

I’m also making progress with my own book, about what I learned on the Atlantic. It’s going to be a personal development kind of book, based on my ocean experiences and what I learned from them. It’s not easy, shoehorning quality writing time into my life at the moment, but I enjoy writing, and it’s proving to be an emotional experience reliving the days of the Atlantic Rowing Race, especially poignant as we approach the anniversary of the race start date (30th November).

[Image: provisional front cover for the book. Title to be announced in due course.]

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