Dictated by Roz at 21.22 Tarawa time and transcribed by her mother, Rita Savage.

Position: -07.30892S   150.22197E

Tonight I am an absolute zombie. It has nothing to do with the full moon and everything to do with the sun.

Today it was just relentless. Despite my usual heat-mitigation measures (bimini, sun-hat, bucket of water, fan) I have never sweated as much as I did today.

It might have been the humidity, or the lack of breeze, as even before the sun has risen, I felt the first trickles of sweat running down my back. Whatever the cause, the heat has left me feeling absolutely drained.

Don’t even have the energy to have my bucket and sponge bath. I just want to crawl back into my cabin and rest.

Rita: A temporary problem with receiving emails sent to Roz’s email address. If you have sent a message today or yesterday, I am sorry that you have to wait for a reply. Making plans for Roz’s arrival in Madang, to make sure that she has the facilities that she needs. Some great people there, offering help. Much appreciated, as none of her own team can make it to Papua New Guinea.

Recent contributors: Mijnbedrijf , Abbigale McCarthy and Roy Dixon. And thanks to those who pay a regular monthly subscription.  Many thanks for the comments and ideas, especially those with knowledge of alternative technologies for sewage disposal. Nova continues her work for Roz – do check the GoRozGo button; and Carina at the Ebay Store is making the following offers at present.

LED lamps

Turn your used plastic bottles into unique solar powered light fixtures with the Hymini Solar Powered LED Lamp.  The HYmini Solar Powered LED Lamps are marked down by 15% and are available at the Roz Savage eBay Store.  The HYmini Deluxe Wind+miniSOLAR all-in-one green charger and the HYmini miniSOLAR panels are also marked down by 15%.


  • While I’ve been traveling … and in your honor … I’ve been reading Sylvia Earle’s “The World Is Blue: How Our Fate And The Ocean’s Are One” (National Geographic Books, 2009). The book is an excellent summation of the interrelationships between water (in general) and the oceans (in particular) and humans. Somewhat presciently, she had this to say about the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, which could apply equally well to the Gulf of Mexico today:

    “As it turned out, only about 4 percent of the oil spilled was recovered during the first critically important three weeks following the accident. Uncertainties about who was supposed to do what, and lack of mandated on-site equipment, delayed action when the oil was most concentrated and easiest to recover. Within hours, oil slipped over miles of calm water; after three weeks, it had slithered onto Alaskan beaches hundreds of miles away, smothering and poisoning the life out of hundreds of sea otters, thousands of seabirds, and billions of small creatures that quietly died as a consequence of human error exacerbated by human indifference.” (page 146)

    While I agree with you completely about the need for change in how we use (and dispose of) plastics, and other environmental issues, reading this book by Sylvia Earle has reminded me that the real problem is to be found not so much in the instruments that we use as part of civilization, but much more in men’s and women’s minds, and with the “human indifference” that Sylvia and you talk about.

    We’ve talked about this a little before. I continue to believe that “beating people up over what they are doing” is not going to prove to be very effective in changing habits and attitudes. It will just make people defensive, and intransigent. On the other hand, “leadership by example”, or showing people what is possible and then leading them to that goal with regimented steps, would seem (to me) to be a much more effective course. You are part of that “leadership by example”, and I give you a standing ovation for all of your efforts.

    You’re doing wonderfully !!! And you’re almost at Madang !!!

  • Roz, three things to remember when you are drained … 1) imbibe, 2) imbibe and 3) imbibe. Heat and humidity make me wilt. They may be good for the sinuses, but are horrific for the health of hard-working rowers and human beans 🙂 . A head cold’s got me down so I am drinking lots of fluids — you do the same and I salute you: “To your health!” or “A votre sante!”

    Which reminds me, I met with Yves M yesterday in SF and we spend a few hours talking about his work and how it applies to public outreach and engagement in towns like mine. It so happens that yesterday, the consultant my town hired to conduct the outreach on our Climate Action Plan called to discuss this very topic. Coincidence, intention or attraction … all of the above?

    So close, yet so far away. I calculate your current progress should deliver Madang June 4, 12:23:42 PM

    Healthy rowing, Roz!

  • A good day to listen to “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” as your audio selection. Hang in, Roz. Seems like even though this may be a shorter voyage than previous years, it’s going to have its own trials in heat and the emotional drain of having to row through garbage and waste.

    Be sure to keep your salt intake up since you’re likely drinking tons of water and sweating so much.

    Pulling for you.

  • I recently was up at near the Dullus airport outside of Washington DC at the museum there , and Amelia Earhart’s memorabilia was on display, including her shears that she cut her hair with. It told of her adventures and her pioneering spirit, while attempting to be the first women to cross the Pacific with her aircraft, back in 1932.I couldnt help think of you in the same exact light. A pioneer you are Roz. But the shears? Have you a pair? Perhaps now would be the time to pull that hair back and give it a healthy wack! Thinking of you , and feeling your sweaty pain!! AmyinAustin

  • Wow, Roz … you’ve really been through it today! Ya know, yesterday in NYC it was 94 degrees and unbearably warm in the evening as I exited my office building. I thought of you, and so couldn’t feel sorry for my discomfort in the least! After all, I wasn’t at that very moment rowing a boat on the other side of the world w/ zero breeze, let alone a wind, and sweating like a piglet! You do have a point about the simplicity of life out there on that ocean when you are rowing, rowing, rowing — no logistics like moving a household to contend with — BUT your brand of “simplicity” just happens to be an amazing feat beyond the reach of 99.99% of the earth’s population! 🙂

    Look forward to being in more consistent touch in the next few weeks as you head into the home stretch!

    Best wishes,

    I haven’t been as active a daily, contributing fan here (as I was the last time) during this final leg of your Pacific crossing, as my personal life has been a bit jam-packed w/ “stuff” needing my attention away from a computer — including a hectic bit of packing up for my yet-again postponed move to a new place to live.

  • I can’t seem to stop myself from adding this post,,, but doesn`t it seem that we are each an ocean rower, navigating our own craft in our own individual waters, yet somehow inter~related to each other by just a few drops of separation. Each in a capsule but connected. Yet the ones that seem to travel faster, further, and|or with greater force are the ones that are AWARE of their special role in life. And is not travelling with awareness our eventual goal? Roz, when you suffer the onslaught of the sun and swell, know that each ardurous stroke you do with intention and choice. Feel the power in that and the gift that you end up sharing with the world as you do. I am proud to have known of your journey and wish to give to you any energy left over that my journey does not need:) Rest well my mentor, and accept this personal “pat on the back” to assist in carrying you on to the greatness that you have already achieved:) ~ row girl row!

  • Hey, what’s up? fantastic stuff. When I winter my bike I always use my battery tender. It has saved the life of my battery, in fact I have not changed my battery in six years and my motorcycle starts at a moments notice. Just a trickle charger is not enough you need to use the tecnology of the battery tender.

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