It’s early in a dark winter’s morning here in Grimbergen, and in a couple of hours we will set out to walk the final 10 miles into Brussels. Here are a few final details of how you can follow us online.

Roz in Belgium - entering the last few miles
Roz in Belgium - entering the last few miles

Our friendly local techie, Baldwin Hopmans, has created a blog especially for the final day of BB2B. His email says: “From the moment I will join tomorrow I can make pictures and movies with a mobile phone. Then post them “live” on the picture blog (delay of 30 sec).” He aims to leave work at noon local time to come and join us, so look out for the pics and vids from about 1pm Central European Time (noon GMT, 7am EST or 4am PST).

Last night I uploaded a whole load of BB2B photos to Flickr. I haven’t had time to finish labelling them yet – that will have to wait until Copenhagen – but wanted to at least let you know they are there for your delectation.

I also created a slideshow of my favourite pictures, available now on YouTube. It’s a little rough and ready, but please make allowances for a hectic schedule on the road.

Must run – time to pack up and hit the road for the last time. This time tomorrow I will be boarding the UN’s Climate Express train from Brussels Midi station – but still a few more miles of human powered transport to go between now and then. See you in Brussels!


  • Well done, Roz and the team. No doubt at all about you reaching your destination today. May the remainder of the journey be as successful! Love, best wishes and congratulations to the team. Rita.

  • Hope you and the team have a great day today, and best of luck with the media meet-ups. It’s been great following the journey so far. Thanks for being such a positive representative for us.

    I’ve loved the photos of Alison and her ski looking like she’s having a great time trekking through the mud. I’ll go check out her block and Kickstarter page.

  • Roz, your slide show is very nice — definitely a “keeper”. BTW, I just discovered a nice mention of you and the BB2B Team (“hardy souls”) on BBC News Get me to the Copenhagen summit on time. Great quotes: “It’s to make a statement about how strongly we feel about climate change. … We have been carrying these inflatable earth balls that we are getting people to sign. You see a lot more of the countryside you are travelling through. I wouldn’t say it’s practical for people to walk everywhere.”

  • “The United States will pay its fair share of that amount and other countries will make substantial commitments as well,” the White House said. “Providing this assistance is not only a humanitarian imperative — it’s an investment in our common security, as no climate change accord can succeed if it does not help all countries reduce their emissions.”

    What the United States will not be delivering is legislation that requires emissions curbs across the country. That has been stalled in Congress.

    The Copenhagen talks were initially expected to deliver a treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto protocol, but the U.S. delay and other international setbacks have made that unrealistic. A new treaty is now expected to be worked on next year.

  • CONGRATULATIONS! We are with you in heart…
    sending energy to you for our EARTH ! go forward
    in Peace and Love… (glad to see Ritas post!)
    LOVING the Pics! MAHALO for your energy and time…
    Love from OREGON, USA… Carol

  • Its all about chasing shadows.
    By that I mean latching on to this or that latest, most innovative idea that some self styled money making guru has put out in the hope it’ll go viral and make them a lot of money off the backs of all the headless chickens who will follow them blindly down a blind alley. Its a shame but a truism nonetheless that people will follow where someone they see as an expert leads. Even if they lead them to certain disaster, which is what most of the gurus tend to do to their flocks.
    The trick is to recognize a shadow when you see it!

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