Hood River, Oregon
You may have noticed that the Tracker’s progress across the US has abruptly ceased shortly after lift-off. Rest assured – my co-driver Steve and I have not died, crashed, or been abducted by aliens.
How to explain? It became apparent early on that, errr, there was a mismatch of expectations and objectives around the road trip. The STARBOARD team has temporarily parted company, on the best of terms, and will be announcing exciting new technological-gizmological collaborations in due course.
I will be making alternative arrangements for Sedna to get shipped across from Miami to the West Coast. Her arrival in the US has in any case been delayed – I love Antigua, but it’s not necessarily the place to get things done in a hurry. She was in the container and ready to go, but then failed to make it onto the ship. So this buys me a few extra days to sort out the next stage of her journey.
The best laid plans of mice, men and ocean rowers….