Hey there – remember me? The short, blonde ocean rower who used to diligently post blogs here every Thursday? It’s been a while…

Thanks so much to those of you who have written to ask me if something is wrong, if I have retired from public life, or if I have died. Thankfully none of those are true. I have just been very busy working with a team within the SEEDS conscious currency, and for a while there Zoom calls took over my life and threw my routine out of whack.

But I have sorely missed writing my blog posts, and interacting with you, so now I’m getting back into the blogging groove – and with an exciting new podcast, to boot!

As my long-time readers will know, for the last two decades I have been on a quest to find out how humanity can create a better future. My odyssey has led me through a series of epiphanies about the systems, structures and stories that underpin our human civilisation, while my insatiable curiosity about how the world works has taken me deep into the dynamics of change.

I am now sharing what I’ve learned, along with the super-smart people whose ideas have influenced my journey, via my new podcast, Sowing the Seeds of Change. If you’re interested in the future of the world, the forces that will affect it, and the ideas that we can use to chart a course to health and happiness for people and planet, I think you’re going to enjoy this. I’m hoping to invite my audience to see reality from fresh perspectives, and when everything seems rather difficult, even hopeless, to dare to dream that the seemingly impossible can come true.

There is more information about the podcast, including a short introductory video, on my Patreon page. Do please check it out. There are some great benefits for you to enjoy if you feel moved to support me in this new endeavour.

I’ve been busy pre-recording Season 1, and we launch in the first week in October as a podcast (I’ll send the link once it’s live), and also as a radio show originating from WPVM in Asheville, North Carolina (with huge thanks to James Navé for creating this amazing connection). WPVM is part of two major radio networks, Pacifica (over 200 affiliate public radio stations) and PRX (monthly audience of 25 million people), meaning the show could potentially be beamed out all across North America to spread those seeds of change far and wide.

And I’ve got some super-cool guests lined up for your entertainment and edification – if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, a lot of these names will be familiar to you:

(With Charles Eisenstein)

Another exciting piece of news is that I am about to sign a book deal for my next book, The Ocean in a Drop, which is based on my recent doctoral dissertation (yes, you may now call me Dr Rosalind Savage!) and will also include material from the podcast interviews. The Ocean in a Drop will be published by Flint Books in October 2022.

I’m on a tight deadline for delivery of the finished manuscript – 3rd January – giving me just three months to write it. But at least I am starting out from my dissertation, so I’m not staring in panic at a blank page. I’m also reminding myself that my first three ocean voyages (the Atlantic, and Pacific Stages One and Two) each took about 3 months (103 days, 99 days, and 104 days respectively), so I know from first-hand experience that a LOT can happen in 100 days! And heck, who needs a Christmas anyway… Or birthday. Or New Year. I’m sure it will still be a more enjoyable festive season than December 2005, when I was rowing my first ocean.

Speaking of oceans (as I often am), 4th October this year will be the 10th anniversary of my arrival into Mauritius after rowing the Indian Ocean, my third and final ocean. So this feels like the perfect time for me to be launching this new chapter of my life and work. Exciting times!!

I trust that all is well in your world, and I’m delighted to be back in the land of the (blogging) living.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” (Abraham Lincoln)

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” (Buckminster Fuller)

Featured Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash


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