Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, and whoever you are spending this Christmas period with, I hope you are and all who are dear to you are having a wonderful time.
But realising that there will also be many for whom a happy holiday is not an option – if poverty, sickness, bereavement, depression, or the difficulties of life in general, mean that this is not such a joyous time of year for you – I send you especially my love and best wishes, and a glimmer of optimism that 2014 may offer better times ahead.
Happy or sad, I hope you’ll enjoy my New Year’s gift to you – An Ocean Rower’s Top Tips for Happiness and Meaning. Just click on that link to take you to the download page. And please feel free to forward it on to anybody you know who might appreciate its message.
I’m with my dear old mother for my birthday on the 23rd, then spending a few days with my partner, then we’re off to the Renaissance Weekend in Charleston where I’m giving a number of presentations and other contributions. We have a special side-event at the Charleston Library on Dec 30th at 5.30pm, if you want to come along. Just contact me for details.
Wishing you all the very best for the remainder of 2013, and a stellar start to 2014!
And here is a special Christmas podcast message from me and Producer Vic.
To subscribe to the show via RSS or iTunes, please click on the appropriate button below.
BELATED HAPPY CHRISTMAS ROZ AND VIC…….. have happy , healthy and peaceful 2014 …one stroke at a time 😉
David C
Wishing you all the best too, David!
Happy Boxing Day, Roz! If only I were on the eastern seaboard, I’d pay you a visit in Charleston, SC, but as luck would have it, I am in Texas and will be heading north to Nebraska (opposite of a “snow bird” as they call folks who head south to winter in warmer climes).
Safe travels, Doug!
Thanks Roz for the mention in your blog – I like the “dear” not quite so sure about the “old”. None of us senior citizens like to think that we are old! with forgiving love from your mother.
Sorry, Mum! 🙂 Nearly 75 years young…. xxx
Roz, you can call me dear old Doug … or just UncaDoug ;-D
I share a number with a great historic US highway: Route 66
Rita, is “long suffering” a preferable term of endearment? Just joking! I am getting long in the tooth, but it’s not slowing me any. Hope you continue to be as full of vim and vigor as you appear.
THank you for the Christmas Wishes and wishing you a wonderful new year. Sounds like you are off to a good start in SC. Best Holiday wishes to you too, Rita. We much appreciated the visit last summer.
Roz, it’s Margaret from Ren Weekend (with the son with the funny text). SO happy to know about you and your mission. Got the first book for my husband and the second for me! Cheers for the new year!
It was wonderful to meet you, Margaret, and I hope our paths cross again. I hope you and your husband enjoy the books…. and say hi to Jack from me!
I hope we’ll stay in touch. Have you joined my mailing list? Shall I add you?
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to you as well! Just plowing through the trip laundry today…. I have indeed joined the mailing list and am pleased to be able to keep up with what you are doing. I hope you enjoyed nice hospitality in our state.
I know that laundry feeling…! I certainly did enjoy some SC hospitality, and isn’t Charleston a gorgeous city?
Hope you’ll enjoy the upcoming newsletters. Looking forward to staying in touch.
Happy Birthday Roz! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. My internet has been down for some time now, more later. All the best to you and Rita, Steve
Welcome back to the online world! Wishing you all the best for 2014.