Dictated by Roz, and transcribed by her mother Rita Savage.
Position: -06.88196S, 154.14308E
This voyage has now definitely reached the stage that can be described as character-building. Long gone are the days when I would sit relaxing and eating my dinner, watching the sun set and reflecting on my day of fair winds, sparkling seas, and record-breaking mileages.
Tonight’s dinner was late, long after sunset, if indeed the sunset had not been hidden by black storm clouds. As I sat eating my re-hydrated Thai curry, I was reflecting on a day of wildly swinging winds, a cut foot, and seriously entangled sea-anchor line. I put the sea anchor out this morning when the wind picked up from the south west, the direction I wanted to go, but it only remained out for about an hour after which the wind changed to the south east. After that I made quite good progress for a while watching the screen of my little Garmin GPS. I could see that it was taking me 50 – 60 strokes to cover 0.001 degree heading west, which meant I could cover 0.01 of a degree every half-hour.
This was all good. I got nearly back to the longitude of 154 degrees, where I was three days ago before the conditions started pushing me east.
But then the wind changed again, back to the south west. I scrutinised the black clouds overhead looking for any encouraging signs that this change might be temporary. I gave the wind about 45 minutes to see if it would start behaving, but it didn’t. In fact it increased in strength, causing me to cut my foot when I had to unexpectedly brace myself against an oncoming wave and my foot ended up on something sharp inside the galley locker.
It was definitely time to put the sea anchor out again, but somehow I managed to get it’s line into a right royal tangle. Normally I don’t have any problems with it, but I got impatient at having to put it out for the second time in a day and with one false move put it on the path to a horrible mess which took me over an hour to sort out, during which time a torrential downpour came along and dumped on me. Just to help matters! At times I wondered if I would ever get the rope disentangled, but there really wasn’t much choice. Eventually, and with an enormous sense of satisfaction, I saw it slither over the side and into the water, smooth and tangle-free.
At last I was able to turn my attention to more important matters, like dinner.
Now I am hunkered in my cabin while winds and waves batter the outside of my boat. These are certainly not the worst conditions I have ever been in, but considerably worse than anything I have encountered in the last month. The good news is that although I am being pushed east, I am also going south, and that way lie better currents.
And one day, surely, I will make it back across 154 degrees.
Other Stuff: Thank you to all the people who have been putting us in touch with people in Madang. The Rozling network is really doing us proud. Mum is following up with all contacts and I am very much looking forward to meeting them when (if) I get there.
“Save a whale, drink more ale” made me laugh, thanks for sending it in. I think it could become one of the most popular eco movements of all time.
Nova’s News: Do check Nova’s GoRozGo at the top of the page.
Please remember the request from Blue Frontier Campaign to vote EVERY DAY for Roz and Margo: http://pep.si/9ZMuai
Also vote for our coalition partner Project Kaisei to help remove tons of floating plastic debris in our Ocean! Vote here: http://pep.si/alxXp
Hi Roz,
I will now start using a refillable water bottle; you have changed me.
It was a slow process but I see the waste and know we can do better.
I remember the days growing up in the 70’s when all we used were glass containers and that worked fine. I think we should go back to glass for everything and refillable containers when possible.
Keep up the great work,
You are AMAZING!!!!
Row Roz Row!
Cheering you on from Asheville.
Rozlings, yesterday afternoon, Eco_Heroes tweeted http://j.mp/EcoHeroPlastic about a new video.
http://j.mp/OurTodayIsForever by Plomomedia (Stephen Thomas)
WARNING: Watching this shocking video may produce an overpowering desire to graduate from hanging on to the promise of “better living through chemistry” …
Happy rowing, Roz!
You’re doing good!
I’m sorry to hear the weather’s turned to crud. Try to look after your foot – it’s not the best part of the world even for a minor cut.
The current chart at http://goo.gl/NNWZ indicates that you might be in a strong west-setting current ATM, given that you are at 6.88S, 154.14E as tweeted just now. So it is interesting that you are tracking East of South instead of the West of South that you are trying for.
As per see my posts of Day 27: looking at http://goo.gl/NNWZ I would be concerned that you might soon get swept back to the north by a NNW setting current from the North Vanuatu Jet.
ps: just to make it clear: you say you want to track SW, but I think you have been tracking in a very good direction, ie due south, during the past 4 days. I would not try for much west until you are down around 8S (>=154E).
Take good care of your foot Roz! Antibiotic cream pronto! And think of all the interesting material you are collecting for your next book! We love you and are cheering you on from all over the world!
It took me over an hour to untangle the sea-anchor’s lines, and that was on dry land. To do it while wet in a rocking and pitching rowboat is no mean feat. We sometimes lose sight of just how difficult it is for Roz to manage even the most routine activities that we do with hardly a thought!
She deserves more respect for what she does than we landlubbers can imagine.
Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat. Tend the foot; in the boat.
OK that will cover mantra for a day or two. I worry about Roz daily and I shan’t rest till she is on the hill again.
IF Alfe is still with you, do you think he is hidden somewhere safe and asking himself, “Does Roz not know to come in from the rain”? 🙂
I was about to suggest washing her foot in salt water, it being antiseptic and with healing properties, but then I remembered about sharks being able to smell tiny amounts of blood from great distances and Roz, being British, has particularly wholesome blood, so perhaps it’s not such a good idea and it would be better to rummage in her first-aid bag for something.
Well Captain Roz…. Your one women voyage seems like a combination of 101 fears and fantasies. An ocean astronaut who has the water bed set on variable speed, toss and turn. You’re handling all the challenges your journey is manifesting wonderfully. Your forward and present honesty is a rarity and so appreciated. I do hope the days that push your ears to the back of your head . To make room for your big , happy smile. Continue to multiply.
I do wish Rita had snuck a custom holographic swim suit into your stowage bag. The one with a great white shark jaws full of teeth, on the back side. To get the real deal to “back off” during your swims. Doc Savage says , please peroxide that cut. The creams oil and aroma will likely get you the attention you least desire during swims.
Be safe Captain. Might be time for a group request to mother earth? Four days for good nnw currents and calm seas. Some west winds to gently push those soft.,short waves on a gentle diagonal. And a few hours of rowing music that will fuel Roz rocket Savage. To a new 63 mile day or three?
Word for the day- oops – Friday morning (1:00am- zips- zzzzz)
Seriocomic-(seer-ee-oh-KOM-ik): having both serious and humorous characteristics.
It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them. George Eliot