Dictated by Roz savage and transcribed by her mother Rita Savage, due to email failure.

Position: at 21.50 on the 9th May. -04.11930S, 158.68321E

My subconscious is throwing up the weirdest things these days and I seem to be having a field day with my dreams; myself, I don’t attribute too much significance to them. I think they just mean that I am not sleeping well.

Last night was especially restless. It was terribly hot in the cabin. I ran the fan for a while, then turned it off, partly because I did not want to completely drain my batteries and partly because the white noise of the fan completely drown out any other sounds that might signify danger, like the engine of a looming container ship. But then I would get too hot again so I would turn the fan back on then worry about flat batteries and container ships. Repeat ad nauseam.

So about 2am I decided to decamp to the deck but this didn’t work so well either. There was a cool breeze so I wrapped myself in a sarong to stay warm, but the sarong kept parting to expose bit of flesh to the breeze. I had a dream that I was on a train wearing something so tattered that I had a struggle to keep myself decently covered. Then an old friend from college that I had not even thought about for years was trying to kill me. Luckily I made it to the home of a friend in Seattle before Eric’s potshots found their target All very traumatic.

I am finding, even when I am awake, that memories of long-forgotten friends, colleagues and relatives bubble up without warning. I’ve heard at least one Polar explorer describe the same phenomenon. I can only assume that in the absence of the usual avalanche of sensory input, surrounded only by sea or snow, the subconscious has the opportunity to excavate long-buried memories.

I feel like I am having a one-woman reunion with ghosts of life-times past. It’s not unpleasant, actually it’s quite intriguing wondering who will pop up next, and what they might be doing now – and consider how they might have played some part, no matter how small in making me what I am.

Other Stuff: I am missing you. Today when I asked my mother what comments we had had recently on the blog, she told me that there had been lots of useful info on Papua New Guinea from Bill Savage, thank you Bill. But apart from that, very few recent comments. I was rather crestfallen. Even though Mum can’t email me your comments since the demise of my email, she is still passing them along, either by SMS or when we speak on the phone, so do please keep them coming, otherwise I feel I am just talking to myself here, and I do than enough of that already.

A couple of recent audiobook recommendations: Charles and Emma by Deborah Heiligman: a book about Mr and Mrs Darwin, a portrait of an amazing marriage as well as an insight into the moral dilemmas behind the evolution (so to speak) of the Origin of Species. Interesting parallels with yesterday’s ruminations on committing to making something work. Charles and Emma barely knew each other when they married yet came to know and respect each other – and produce 10 children along the way.

The City, Not Long After, by Pat Murphy. A relatively encouraging post-apocalyptic book for a change. After Cormack McCarthy’s The Road had me ready to slit my wrists earlier this year it was refreshing to read a version of the future where truth, beauty, art and peace are the guiding principles. As a bonus, the book is set in San Francisco, one of my favorite cities, and one of the few places on earth where I can realistically imagine those values holding sway.

Alf: no sightings for 2 days now. Seriously concerned!

Rita: Thanks too for some lovely comments on Facebook. Also a message from Glenn Raynor with personal experience of working in that part of the world, and a taste of their beer. Thanks to recent donors Doug Grandt, (carrot$), Ralf Gobel from Denmark and Sam Miller.

Please remember the request from Blue Frontier Campaign to vote for Roz and Margo: http://pep.si/9ZMuai
“Also vote for our coalition partner Project Kaisei to help remove tons of floating plastic debris in our Ocean! Vote here: http://pep.si/alxXp

Nova’s Fundraiser Newsletter:

About a month ago my Skype phone rang; it was Roz Savage and there she was, transported from her location in Canada. I had expected Roz to be a fierce tiger of a personality, so I was rather surprised by her modest cat like gracefulness; I liked her immediately. “Hello Nova, how are you?”, her melodic British accent and happy voice inquired. What? Who cares about how I am, its all about you Roz, right? We spent a good 5 minutes out of our 20 minute conversation on how I was and I began to see the attractive qualities that made Roz a leader.

What impressed me was her genuine concern for others and her sharp intellect as we discussed a multitude of fundraising ideas. I loved her cause to help others achieve big personal goals and we set out to organize a fundraiser to launch her Foundation. The long term goal is to raise funds for the dreams of others. We hope that this final Pacific voyage will be her most successful journey in regards to inspiring people to care for the environment, pursue their dreams, and to support Roz’s dream as well. You now have 7 days to guess the time and date of Roz’s landing. Contest closes on May 17th so enter now and be part of the adventure.

Share your stories below on what you would like to tell or ask Roz if you were to win the personal Skype conversation with her featured in this contest.

To chip in, click on the Chip In button. To bet on Roz’s time of arrival, click on the Go Roz Go button top right corner.


  • Hi Ros — You probably remember we met when I interviewed you before Copenhagen. Its great to read about your journey, despite the crazy dreams. I was reading a wonderful book about silence by Sara Maitland in which she talks a lot about solo rowers / climbers and generally those who have prolonged periods of solitude and silence having similar brain tricks that you describe. She even talked about hearing choirs in the wind, and mild hallucinations. So I think your dreams are probably something not dissimilar – your mind taking the opportunity in solitude to stretch its legs and dig into the crates!

    London and the UK is filled with the buzz of the hung parliament, and what next? And is very cold and rainy. No sleeping on any decks in sarongs here 🙂

    Anyway, I’ll continue to follow your inspiring journey. Be well!

  • I believe Roz, that YOU have received a great gift.How many of us here on the planet can ever own the experiences that have been part of your life?Memories? Isn’t that all we really own?.Hopefully they will bring you joy in the future, these, the deepest of thought,that you are storing up now. Keep on ,inspiring,wondering about the day,the moment,and writing your words,the world need to know. You are greatly appreciated for the efforts and cause,extreme measures for an extraordinary lady. Wishing you a gentle nights sleep.AmyinAustin

  • Roz,

    never think that you are just talking to yourself. Your fans are still out there listening to you through your web site and the Roz Rows podcast. Keep up the great work you’re doing!

    Dublin, Ohio

  • It’s kind of a shame the currents have conspired to take you to Papua New Guinea instead of your intended destination. The trip will be over so soon!

    Have you given thought to adding a fourth stage and finishing the row to Australia?

  • Hi, Roz (and Rita),
    I follow your blog, but have never written. I heard you when you spoke at Benaroya Hall for National Geographic in Seattle. I am amazed by what you are doing and talk you up constantly to my kids and friends. I have been a single mom of 4 for years now and we have all participated in rowing at some time. I did it for fun and my children all participated in crew at the local club. Once bitten by the rowing bug, they all loved it. They are now all college age and all trying to find their way in this world. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Speaking of which, I went for a short work-related trip at Ocean Shores, Washington on the Pacific Coast. I found all the coffee shops put plastic straws in their drinks. I remembered what you said and talked to everyone who listened about how damaging even a small plastic straw can be.

    I also am an avid reader and love your book reviews. Because of you, I listened to a book for the first time in many years and loved the experience! I played it during my drive to Ocean Shores. It made the 2 1/2 hour trip quite nice.

    So keep blogging, listening, rowing, and sharing your experiences. There must be many people like me who have been silently following your blog and are as awestruck as I am about how daring and courageous you are.

    You are making a difference.
    All the best,

  • Roz you are taking the lead on an exceptional destiny for the inhabitants of planet earth…hang in there because your yondering journey amongst the oceans and seemly strange meanderings will never be for naught … you’re a true warrior of the light and “one to ride the river with”
    Thank you for sharing as you travel and we are over here keeping tabs on all your comments and intimate observations from your placement on earth…so you are definitely not alone. We are listening, hoping, supporting, and sharing along and together with you
    Rick Abreu in (northern) Las Vegas, New Mexico

  • Barbara, I was also at Benaroya Hall … on Monday night. It was an extraordinary evening!

    Happy Mum’s Day, Rita! and to all Rozling mothers!

    Roz, your course shift to WSW is obvious on the RozTracker. Obviously there is no ditheration in your plan to skirt around the northwest end of Bougainville Island. This Rozling is definitely getting butterflies as you approach the giantest of giant slaloms … did extreme skiier Alison Gannett give you technique tips for your giant island slalom?

    I just made another bet on your ETA … https://www.rozsavage.com/contents/gorozgo/ … changed yesterday’s guess by just one day.

    Happy Rowing, Roz!

  • Happy Mother’s day, Rita. You are a true gem. Even before today, I’ve been calling you and Roz “the dream team” in my mind, but today that has even more significance.

    And I also like this quote from Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), and it’s especially appropriate today on Mother’s Day: “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”

    And about Roz’s dreams. Someone once told me that dreams are our mind’s way of conducting self-therapy, and that the dreams merely show how the mind is constantly renewing itself, constantly purging itself of thoughts or emotions that are no longer needed. It is as if we have a perpetual virus-scan or something going on in our heads, updating or moving or deleting files that are no longer needed. Dreams are nothing to be worried about, and they merely show that our mind is taking care of us.

    Row on, Roz! You’re doing wonderfully!

  • Hi Roz – Just read about your dreams. It’s funny how much commonality there is in the themes of dreams whether you’re literally rowing the ocean alone, or figuratively rowing through a much more mundane day-to-day existence back on land. Themes like realizing that you’re too scantily clad; being pursued by a murderer. I’m there every night. The difference is that you, the dreamer, continue to realize a more adventurous and difficult “dream” than the vast majority of us. That you’re willing to endure the risks and the emotional ups and downs of challenge and solitude is so inspiring to me in overcoming my overabundance of couch potato moments. How much fun it is to imagine being a “boat potato” instead! I mean that in the most complimentary way. Thank you for bringing your amazing experience to life with your writings. I hope you can feel how positive the reverberations of your ambition, and your communing so intensely with nature, are for all of us who follow your progress. On some variation of the Irish proverb, may the wind constantly be blowing in the right direction for you, Roz.

  • There is a soft breeze blowing on cloths and sheets hanging on the metal line here in North Carolina. My thoughts bounce to a rower far away- but near. I ask the mother energy force to share a little soft breeze with Roz at her moving zip code. If mom is feeling generous? After topping off the batteries with a solar charge. Give her spot on the water a light rain to cool down the oars. Dreams, wooo , powerful and ever insightful. Nothing like getting past our minds filters and dwelling on past journeys? Why do some memories surface and others lay quietly? The combination of water, cosmetic cover and dancing electrons, is seldom a reliable self explanatory readout. The human mind never figures out its own best solution. Thank goodness women have some instincts and men occasionally are wise enough to trust and follow. Dreams, like juggling 4 balls of jello and untying the bow line with your toes in rolling waves. You can do it. Best have the video for proof.
    Drinking in Papua New Guinea
    There are brands of local beer in PNG. The local brew, SP (short for South Pacific) Lager, is owned by Heineken. The people that live here do not drink alcohol much and the beers and wines available are usually served at room temperature due to a lack of refrigeration system in certain areas. Also, while the water quality varies from place to place (and in some cases from day to day), it is generally best to stick to bottled water, even in the upper-market hotels.
    Madang. This island is good for scuba diving of all levels, and the coral reefs are home to a variety of rare species of colorful fish. There are also underwater wrecks of Japanese fighter planes, with weapons and cargo intact. There are still-active volcano’s for trekkers to hike up not far from Madang.
    New Britain. This island offers excellent swimming and snorkeling. Trails in the area are perfect for day hikes and treks through the rainforest. There area also hot thermal springs and bubbling mud holes in this region of the island.
    Today Papua New Guinea continues to be the foremost country in Melanesia. The country struggles to fulfill the dreams of independence as economic stagnation, corruption, law and order problems, and a nine-year secessionist revolt on the island of Bougainville.
    Papua New Guinea offers the traveler a true paradox. With little to no tourist infrastructure outside the main tourist areas, getting around can be tough. But Papua New Guineans themselves are wonderfully welcoming people who will go to great lengths to accommodate strangers. Tourism is well developed and growing in a handful of locations. Beyond these PNG is 120% adventure travel and not for the inexperienced or faint of heart.
    For people who can make it out to PNG, the experience is unforgettable. PNG’s incredible natural beauty is simply indescribable. Its unique flora and fauna includes enormous radiations of marsupials and birds, including the Raggiana bird-of-paradise (PNG’s national symbol) and several species of tree kangaroos. Untouched coral reefs compete with spectacular WWII wrecks for the attention of divers, and the hiking is out of control.
    The central highlands of Papua New Guinea were not mapped until the 1930s and not effectively brought under government control until the late 1960s. As a result, the people of PNG are even more interesting than the countryside. Papua New Guinea is a place that often markets itself as ‘the Last Unknown’ or a place where you can still find ‘Stone Age People’. Of course, telling a Papua New Guinean that you consider them a stone age savage is incredibly rude. And while you can – if you try hard enough – find old men who remember the first time they or anyone in their society saw metal, you’ll also have trouble finding anyone who hasn’t seen Titanic. Indeed, what makes Papua New Guinea so interesting today is not the fact that it is some sort of living museum, but its incredible dynamism. In the hundred-year shift from stone to steel to silicon, Papua New Guineans have turned the shortest learning curve in human history into one of the most colorful – and often idiosyncratic – experiments in modernity ever produced by human being.
    Note to self- Courtesy in Papua New Guinea-As in many Melanesian cultures, greeting people with a friendly handshake is very important. Be aware, however, that it is a sign of respect not to make eye contact when this is being done. The sight of hotel staff calling you by name, shaking your hand and looking at the floor may seem unusual at first.
    If Roz and Rita can stay for a spell on the island? There will likely be memories made to last a life time. Brain and heart candy – without the calories. The sand in your toes are only weeks away, friend.
    Closing with :
    A well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds.
    One learns when teaching others.
    Only those that attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.
    Nuugurigia – 2 days way.
    Remember Roz, the jokes you tell Alf today. Might influence rowing partners for many generations. Go for it?

  • Hi Roz.

    Sad to hear that you thought you were just talking to yourself. You’re not you know, well maybe you are sometimes, how would I know. You’re doing an amazing thing I think. I caught by chance your story watching a TED-talk you made and downloaded the iPhone app imediately after. I follow you everyday. In Bergen, Norway where I live there’s a bird nesting her eggs on a rooftop somewhere. This bird comes back every year and because of this some students put up a webcam Every morning I log on and watch her for a few minutes. She seems pretty alone up there and somehow this bird reminds me of you. The solitude I guess. Anyway, I find a sort of peace watching her and reading your blog. I fills me with hope to think about how simple life really is and that we don’t need the level of living standards we’ve grown so acustomed to. We’re so used to luxoury it’s killing our world. Greed is what it is. I want my greed to be tuned to doing things that really matter. Something which has resonnans in the world. To do something truly important. So you see Roz. You’re not just talking to yourself. Your voice is being heard all over the world. Thank you so much. If you decide to row directly to Norway after spending a couple of hours in PNG, I’ll buy you a local beer from Bergen.

    Check out http://www.tjeld.uib.no if you get the chance some day. Hopefully she’ll still be there and will make you laugh!

    You’re really pretty by the way.;-)

    lots of luck!

  • Oh, and I have a website question. On the Roz Tracker, “where exactly” does the mileage refer to under the listing for Papua New Guinea? Since PNG is a large country (hundreds of miles wide), does that mileage figure currently shown on the tracker for PNG refer to Madang? Or somewhere else, and if so “where”?

    Sorry, if you’ve already answered this somewhere else, but I missed it.

  • Following every oar stroke Roz. The plastiki Expedition has made land fall in the Line islands without problem and are preparing for their second leg. It’s been a poor season for polar travel with bad ice conditions in the Arctic. You’re making great progress. Good work Roz

  • hey Roz, reading your blog is my daily bread!
    It’s so encouraging what you do and say.thx
    About the dream thing – I experienced something
    similar during a fasting, felt like watching yourself from the outside in
    sometimes.Strange, but maybe the mind (or the spirit) needs a time-out
    to get rid of all the junk and inherited waste we drag around.
    In the end, it sharpens the mind…
    all the best

  • Roz, I’ve followed since your first attempt to leave San Francisco, and am continually inspired by your choices. When you reach fry land, I recommend the book, Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier. Here’s a quote: To understand yourself: is that a discovery or a creation?

    Continued best wishes on your embrace of life.

  • Richard, it looks like the distance in the places table is to Newton which is nowhere near Madang. Obviously, the point was selected without regard to the possibly of being a destination point — for one thing, it’s on the wrong side of the island. Anyway, Madang appears to be about 300 +/- miles to the north on the “right” side of the island.

    Ove, thanks for sharing. I am watching the tjeld on its nest http://tjeld.uib.no/videoframe.html … it is just a dark silhouette against a darkened city with a sprinkling of lights … apparently the tjeld and the city are fast asleep … no action going on … wait, there are the headlights of a car winding its way around a bend at the lower right corner, then to the left behind the building and … going up the hill … now it’s disappeared. I suppose it is a late night party-goer who must be just now arriving safely at home in Bergen. My great-great-grandparents came from Norway … interestingly, my great-great-grandfather’s lineage went something like Niels Ellingson, Elling Nielson, Niels Ellingson … before Niels left Norway for the U.S. in the early 1800s.

    Here comes another set of headlights down the hill from the left to the right … midnight an all is well.

    I hope Roz has an opportunity to visit you … some day soon I hope to visit Norway, the place of my roots ;-D

  • I am really echoing what others have said here but it sounds to me like it is a really useful ‘spring clean’ of your psyche taking place which is removing little congestion points in your subconscious. In other words, all very healthy and not to be wished away. You will probably find yourself feeling wonderfully ‘with it’ in a week or so!

  • Hi Roz

    I’ve only just found out about you and your incredible journies across oceans. I was searching for an inspiring talk on TED this evening and randomly clicked on yours and am so glad I did. You are a great inspiration. I will be following your blog from now on and finding out about the iPhone app.
    Wishing you fair winds and sweet dreams.

  • Well, I do not think that you are talking to yourself, there are thousands of us out here avidly reading about you! I went sailing all day yesterday and out on my Harley all day today, but thought of you often! Hope you sleep well tonight!
    Happy Mothers day Rita!

  • hi roz.

    you dont know me. i am not anyone important, but i just love reading about your adventure. you are inspirational. dont feel like you are alone talking to no one. i for one, am listening intently.

    take care.


  • OK, they speak over 800 dialects there. They will hunt your head and shrink it. (if possible) You got to face up to it Roz but this is the place where all the tribes of humankind who can’t make the grade die off. My advice; beach the boat find a bloke with a car, shake his hand while he is still seated and when he looks at the ground give him a yank by the collar and tumble him out while you tumble in and make good your escape whilst the locals are looting the Brocade. Get yourself to port Moresby and from there to the relative safety of OZ, get a good wash, then soak in a tube of pink Champers and close this chapter, book and verse.
    Take it easy,
    Tomas M Texino

  • OK, they speak over 800 dialects there. They will hunt your head and shrink it. (if possible) You got to face up to it Roz but this is the place where all the tribes of humankind who can’t make the grade die off. My advice; beach the boat find a bloke with a car, shake his hand while he is still seated and when he looks at the ground give him a yank by the collar and tumble him out while you tumble in and make good your escape whilst the locals are looting the Brocade. Get yourself to port Moresby and from there to the relative safety of OZ, get a good wash, then soak in a tub of pink Champers and close this chapter, book and verse.
    Take it easy,
    Tomas M Texino

  • OK, they speak over 800 dialects there. They will hunt your head and shrink it. (if possible) You got to face up to it Roz but this is the place where all the tribes of humankind who can’t make the grade die off. My advice; beach the boat find a bloke with a car, shake his hand while he is still seated and when he looks at the ground give him a yank by the collar and tumble him out while you tumble in and make good your escape whilst the locals are looting the Brocade. Get yourself to port Moresby and from there to the relative safety of OZ, get a good wash, then soak in a tub of pink Champers and close this chapter, book and verse.
    Take it easy,

  • Well, Roz looks like the dam broke. That’ll teach you to think we aren’t all here behind you. As you can see by the response above a lot of us are still here. I for one have limited my comments to notes on FB that you can quickly scan when you get back in”web land.” Keep up with your inspirational endeavor and keep those blogs a comin.’ We are reading.

    Other stuff: It’s been a kick following all the “ecoheros” who’ve signed up so. I am especially intrigued by the range of ideas on what actions are green and which are not. Lots of potential in this project. I’d be glad to help work out some of the bugs when you get back.


  • A little mums day thought I shared with many friends today. Rita and Roz, you remind us all, each day is a beautiful day for friendship.

    Happy mothers day ! A big thanks to the mothers present and past. To the friends of mothers that loved us as their own. The mothers that adopted. The daughters that are now mothers. The great and grand mothers that filled family trees. That wonderful seed of friendship. Is the gift we each share and grow. It is as beautiful as we live it.Hugs. Bill

  • Roz, when I read what you wrote about not many people being there reading your blog my heart broke! Just yesterday, myself and 3 friends stayed up late into the night watching your videos and chatting incessantly about the ripple you’ve created in our lives, being the example we need – a strong female who’s broken away from the rat race, trailblazing for the rest of us who want to live unconventional yet fulfilling lives. THANK YOU for being who you are – your existence means more to me than you could ever know.
    From one adventuring tiny blonde to another

  • Yeah, me too…what Stan and tracy from perth said…

    Still following. I even get all your tweets and foursq checkins.

    Rozta’ Bill

  • Hey Roz… your old pal Jon here. Just sent you an email with the dreaded bounce-back reply. Hey… since when is rowing across oceans an excuse? : ) SO glad to hear your TED talk, and I do hope we can chat when you finish your journey.

    Hope M-Power was helpful in some small way.

    Your friend,


  • Roz,

    Never think you are alone! You are never far from my thoughts when you’re on these voyages, as I watch your progress via the RozTracker or read your transcribed blog posts. Your book, and your bookmark, are my permanent coffee table fixtures, and I am sure to mention your efforts to visitors or friends every chance they give me!

    You’re making stellar progress, and I wish you a restful night’s sleep!

    Your fan,

  • OMG, not only did the dam break (Stan Miller) but Roz is proving the old adage, “When it rains it pours.”

    A little while ago, she tweeted: bugger me. now there’s a helicopter practically on top of my boat. what does a girl have to do to get some peace around here?! https://www.rozsavage.com/tracker


    Roz, we are all coming out of the woodwork here, and so is — I hope it’s only — PNG NewsCopter4. Please tell us it is ANYTHING BUT a rescue chopper. Hope you get the vibes from all of us. Tweet often, we are here.

  • Well mums around the planet got one day on the calendar. Celebrations, cards and gratitude. Why only one day a year? Why not make everyday valentines, earth day, human day and a little more day? One of the biggest and saddest moments between humans. Is the volume of never spoken thoughts and feelings? Withheld like a secret currency. A pattern practiced and well perfected ( lets flip for the global reset button). Very similar to the way we treat our home, our planet. Part of it is fear, habit, not knowing and lack of action. Thank you Roz for taking on a slice of the education / awareness puzzle. Thank you Rita for being a translator of the public mood. As we rally for our own communities well being. We need to remember no bucket, non-profit or ocean got filled in a blink. One drop, each dollar and every active decision made. Gets the job done. My thanks, Roz ripple maker Savage. Your good work shows! 🙂
    The three principal things that hold civilization together are the safety pin, the paper clip and the zipper.
    Civilization is a good idea- somebody ought to start it.
    A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but who says what some-one wants to remember. – John Mason Brown
    You can’t beat nature: the less hair you have to comb, the more face you have to wash.
    Nothing grows faster than a fish between the time he nibbles and the time he gets away.
    The art of fishing is sitting still for a long time until you don’t catch anything.
    Science is what you know; philosophy is what you don’t know. – Bertrand Russell
    What I am reading now:
    The No1 ladies detective agency- Alexander McCall Smith
    Blink :- Malcolm Gladwell
    The gentle art of being there- Fay Angus
    Don’t forget to vote!

  • To answer the sat phone question. You are the friendliest news that the islands have or will experience for a good while. Drats or yeah. The extreme working endurance vacation is growing to a close. Get some rest.

  • Hi Roz,
    Never think you are talking to yourself, thousands find comfort in every inspiring word you write. I have followed your exploits since you left The Canaries in 2005 – I even sent you virtual flapjack! Hang in there girl, you are so, so close.

  • I read your blog each night and have followed you since leaving San Francisco. You are an inspiration through good and bad. Thank you for sharing your dreams.

  • I was just thinking about Roz’s question on Day 11 – Past vs Present ( http://j.mp/RozDay11 ) about living in the past or the present … Difficult question … I’ve been thinking about that off and on, and then — just moments ago — I noticed this tweet appear:

    another bloody helicopter just caught me unawares and stark naked. this is getting a bit much. https://www.rozsavage.com/trackerhttp://twitter.com/rozsavage/status/13709287698

    Containerships, pirates, typhoons, cyclones, booby birds, lost kettles … so many little annoyances and potential disasters, and what is the most inhibiting? Low flying voyeurs on the high seas.

  • Haha, I always get songs first and then ancient memories after I’ve sung them all. Funny thing, when you’re traveling all alone for days on end…
    Happy Mums day to Rita

  • Hi Roz,

    Glad to hear you’re all right and mostly enjoying trips down memory lane. The train dream sounds generally promising. I’ve been told that the English generally have a favorable view of trains. And anyway dodging potshots is better than the alternative.



  • Hi Roz,

    I’ve only been following your progress since seeing your TED talk, but you are a great inspiration. Good luck!

  • HI Roz,
    Keep it up, I have thought of as I travel to work, when I am out for a walk, and when at a till buying some groceries. Mentioned your efforts to the person at the till, and she was surprized. Thanks for taking on the challenge, it is meaningful. Take Care

  • Hey Roz,
    As an open water rower myself I have to say you are my alter ego Living my adventurous life on the high seas through you oar strokes. I met you in Santa Cruz, CA. during the Film Festival in 2008. I have rowed the 26 mile distance across Monterey Bay 15 times in my life and have rowed the 34 miles from Marina Del Ray Ca. to Catalina Island 3 times and since meeting you and now following your ventures has confirmed my love for the open water. You are truly an inspiration to a huge population around the world.Your commitment to revealing our troubled ecosystem is powerful! Thank you for sharing such a valuable lesson to those of us who understand. You are a true crusader! Harrrrr Mateee!


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