Today’s blog post is courtesy of Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces and many other books, good friend of George Lucas, and inspiration behind Star Wars. I heard this quote during an episode of the excellent On Being podcast, hosted by Krista Tippett, in an interview with Father Richard Rohr. This really resonated with me, and I thought it might with you too.
[I’m on the road at the moment, hence shorter-than-usual blog post. Normal service will be resumed in July.]
We have not even to risk the adventure alone
for the heroes of all time have gone before us.
The labyrinth is thoroughly known …
we have only to follow the thread of the hero path.
And where we had thought to find an abomination
we shall find a God.
And where we had thought to slay another
we shall slay ourselves.
Where we had thought to travel outwards
we shall come to the center of our own existence.
And where we had thought to be alone
we shall be with all the world.