Tonight, if you will excuse me, I am going to keep this blog very short. Last night was rough and rowdy out here on the big blue, and not much sleep was had in the Purple Palace.

It has been bouncy all day today as well, with meal preparation being a triumph of the desire for a good nosh-up over the adversity of a rocking and rolling boat. I sometimes amaze myself the lengths I am willing to go to in order to have a proper hot meal when a wiser (or less food-conscious) woman might settle for nuts and snack bars. But I feel it is important to eat well – (insert L’Oreal–style flick of the hair) – because I’m worth it.

Other Stuff:

I am completely into my latest Jodi Picoult book, Change of Heart . I’ve listened to several of her books on this row, but I’d say this is my favourite one yet, touching on my current lines of inquiry around faith, spirituality, religion, and what we choose to believe – none of which are quite synonymous.

Okay, off to bed now. I wish it were a kingsize fourposter with crisp white sheets and a stack of pillows, and that it didn’t constantly move, but there isn’t one of those around for a thousand miles or so, so for now I suppose I’ll make do with an Ocean Sleepwear sleeping bag, a purple sleeping bag liner that has a rapidly-expanding tear, and a pillow that, although still comfortable, is starting to go mouldy. Ah well. Could be so much worse. The early ocean rowers didn’t even have enclosed cabins – they just slept in the bottom of the boat, which must have been unimaginably miserable.

Worse things happen at sea. (Oh…)

Photo: random pic from the archives – with Margo Pellegrino, uber-paddler and eco-campaigner, at the Ocean Champions reception in 2008. (Photo by Doug de Mark)

Sponsored Miles: A good number of people to thank today – a combination of good mileage rowed by Roz and popular numbers selected: Susie Slanina, Thomas Heavey, Hans Verwey, Nancy Bowman, Nick Perdiew, Simon and Eve Ringsmuth, Bruce Gervais, Darrell and Sylvia Vice, Clarence Jones III, Gillian Colledge, Lynn Robb, Brian Smith, Tamara Fogg, Julian Gall, Karen Morss, Jennifer Bester, Kamas Industries, Jeffrey Blatt, Margaret Taylor.


  • Wishing you some of this warm Thai drying weather. Take care.. Jim Bell (Chaingmai.. Off to Chaing Rai tomorrow)
    Could you fly the moldy pillow from the mast? Or would it still get splashed?

  • Can offer you a comfy bed and white sheets next time you are here.  Rich is home from his sail to the Azores so you can compare notes on ocean passages, he has amazing pictures of the centre of the low pressure he went through, he is even more addicted than ever.  My attempts are sustainable living are faltering , we lost a chicken this week, she was only 14 weeks old and got too wet and cold on a particularly miserable day.  The veggie patch is looking good though!  Keep it up you are doing so well.  All our love.  Nicola Rich Alex and Thomas

    • Don’t get too discouraged with the loss of a chicken, Nicola. Things happen. We lost one to a dog and two to a combination of cold snap and a chicken malady akin to a cold. We had to perform home surgery on one twice because she kept eating long strands of straw and getting her crop impacted. The survivors and 6 new ones all seem hale and hearty. 

  • Next time I dare complain about the foggy, breezy, cold summers in San Francisco, I will remind myself of your summer (or it that winter where you are?). In total awe of you!

  • Random comment…I heard a great motivational saying the other day.   ‘Don’t think of all the things you HAVE to do in a day.  Think of all the things you GET to do before your time is up’.   I am sure you would not be where you are today without being positive so I doubt you need such things but I thought you might like it anyway.  I find it a useful gentle reminder to myself when I am getting grumpy…

    You are doing a great thing and I have unbounded admiration for what you have achieved.

    Philip Nixon

  • Roz,

    I have been following you from the start. Do not comment often but know that I have amazing respect fir your courage.

    Alan from Newburyport MA here.

    And know that you are a beautiful woman.

    Hang in there.

  • “Because I’m Worth It.”. Of course you are, Roz. Never doubt it for a moment. For what you do, for who you are, for your style, your persistence, your patience, your sheer joy in being who you are. Unlike so many adventurers, you have the knack of taking us with you. Thank you.

  • Evening solar powered wave cutter. Yes we don’t want you
    getting to thin to soon. A good book  and hot meal – ah luxury on the
    water. 🙂 I was so hoping a whale would make your acquaintance. Approach your
    boat with its mighty jaws wide open! Pausing at the last second – holding still
    side to side with you. Then the sun shoots a glitter of light back to your eyes
    – surprise. (Monty python music inserted) You calmly take your boat hook and
    dislodge the plastic bottle from between its massive teeth. Rowing dentist
    meets grateful mammal. Lucky for you Dear Roz the whale’s young pup runs
    an underwater blog- Devoted to ocean animals and
    mammals strange encounter with humans. As they swim away, the pup asks pop- “
    where is that mermaids tail”? “Must have been on land so long she did not need
    it an more”. “ Race you to the plankton ”. Stay tuned for further adventures.


    Nowadays it’s not as difficult to find a needle in a
    haystack, as it is to find one in an ocean rower’s hand. ANOM

     Can you use dental floss to mend it closed?


    An oceanographer is a scientist to whom the sea’s bottom is
    even more important than the moon’s behind. Amon


    Word for the day-

    recede – (rih-seed) to move back or away. Bill savages hair
    is about gone! Ha


    Tomorrow’s itunes wish list- Bonnie Raitt

  • I’m very sad about your pillow, Roz. I thought it would me mould resistant – but I suppose these are exceptional circumstances. 

  • Hi Roz,

    i am a newcomer to your crew of followers but in a very short time have come to look forward to your regular thoughts and updates. It reminds me of the ever-changing natural world out there beyond my end-of-financial-year constrained office walls, and of people working hard to make a difference. Frankly, i struggle to imagine a more mentally grinding task than rowing across entire oceans. It is natural to question our own value but the comments you receive each day should reassure you of the value your efforts have for others.

    i especially like your intelligent, thoughtful, yet cautious ponderings on life and meaning, and the way you express interest without committing to any particular outcome. It is a refreshing approach in a dogmatic world.

    With a wobbly horizon, cold winds and long days at the oar you probably don’t get much of a chance to look at other websites and the like but if you do, it’s worth having a look at for the latest post. The site covers the thoughts of a couple who have left the corporate world to participate as volunteers on global issues. The reason for suggesting the link is that the latest post illustrates some examples of how individual voices can combine to make a huge difference to the world we live in. After i read the post, i immediately thought of yourself sitting in that tiny boat in the middle of the blank part of the world map and exerting enormous energy towards making your voice count, and working so hard to encourage others to combine their voices with yours. To make a difference.

    And i loved the oblique Monty Python reference.

  • “…  but there isn’t one of those around for a thousand miles or so…”
    “… and popular numbers selected…”

    Congrats with the passage of the 1000-mile waypoint.

  • Roz, there was a very interesting article by Mike Mccarthy on the plight of the oceans in the ‘Independent’ today and then repeated on the BBC website. I have emailed him to suggest to him he gives you some coverage. Keep going!

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