Canyonlands, Utah
All work and no play makes Roz a dull ocean rower, so I took a day out (en route from my presentations in Oregon to my next presentation in Colorado) and went to Canyonlands, surely one of the world’s most stunning landscapes, and a place that I have had on my “Must-Visit” list for a long time.
I’d always thought of Quackers (my yellow pickup) as a cute and cuddly boat-towing kind of a truck, but in Canyonlands he came into his own as a 4×4, bouncing over the bumpy, stony tracks with ease. (Luckily I’d been able to leave my ocean rowboat with friends in Moab – she would have been too far out of her element here.)
This was not the most environmentally friendly way of seeing the scenery – I would have loved to mountain-bike the route instead – but unfortunately there were still many miles to cover to Telluride…
[Video: Canyonlands gave me an opportunity to test out the procedure for editing and uploading video to my website that I hope to use on the ocean – click above to view.]