Leeds, Yorkshire
Apologies for long radio silence – I had been posting my blogs via my mobile phone, but for some reason I lost my Gmail capability a few days ago. And I could probably have fixed it, but I was busy having fun and/or travelling. So there you go!
Today I arrived in foggy, frosty, England. The bottom half of the country was foggy – when we touched down at Gatwick Airport I thought we were still up in the clouds when suddenly we were on the runway, barely able to see as far as the wingtips in the thick fog. The top half of the country was frosty and sunny and beautiful in a very un-Mexican way.
It was an epic journey, involving 9 different stages and taking 42 hours. That’s what happens when you book flights from an airport in the hope that your sailing trip will get you there in time – it always goes wrong. Still, nothing an 11-hour overnight bus ride can’t put right.
And no matter how many planes, trains and automobiles were involved, it was important to get home to spend Christmas with my mother. This time last year I was bobbing around on the Atlantic, so I owed her one.